In today’s world, people are largely conscious of their health and wellness. Many choose diet soft drinks as an alternative to regular soda, thinking it is a healthier option. However, if you are drinking diet soda as a replacement for regular soda, you may be harming your mind and body without realizing it. In this BrainSnack, we will discuss three reasons why diet soda is bad for your health.
Artificial Sweeteners and Metabolic Syndrome
Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose. These artificial sweeteners have been associated with metabolic syndrome – a group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. A study conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA) showed that consuming these sweeteners was directly related to an increased risk of obesity and hypertension. The study also showed that consuming diet drinks was associated with a higher risk of stroke and dementia.
International health organizations are currently closely examining the safety of aspartame, a commonly used sweetener found in various products, including diet sodas. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer is analyzing to determine if there are any potential links between aspartame and cancer. Additionally, another committee within the WHO is in the process of updating its risk assessment of aspartame. While the details of their findings have not yet been made public, they are expected to be released soon. Despite these ongoing investigations, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has consistently maintained that aspartame is safe for consumption by the general population. The American Beverage Association also expresses confidence in the safety of products containing aspartame. However, it is important to approach this topic with awareness and caution, as concerns surrounding the safety of aspartame persist. It is worth noting that the FDA is not obliged to revise its current regulations regarding aspartame based solely on these studies. However, it is likely that they will carefully consider the evidence presented in the reports once they are released. It is crucial to recognize that the ongoing scrutiny of aspartame does not definitively classify it as a carcinogen, and the available evidence linking aspartame to cancer is limited and inconclusive1.
Increased Risk of Kidney Disease
Many people who consume diet soda or other diet soft drinks are at risk of developing kidney disease. A study published by PLOS ONE showed that people who drank two or more servings of Diet Soda per day had a 30% higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease than those who did not drink diet drinks. The artificial sweeteners in Diet Soda can cause a decrease in kidney function. The study also showed that people who consumed diet drinks had a higher risk of developing proteinuria (protein in the urine), which is a sign of kidney damage.
Increased Risk of Depression
According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), people who consumed diet drinks were more likely to develop depression than those who did not. The study showed that drinking four or more servings of Diet Soda per day was associated with an increased risk of depression. The researchers suggested that artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may increase the risk of depression by altering the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, specifically dopamine and serotonin.
While diet soda may seem like a healthier alternative to regular soda, it is harmful to your mind and body wellness. The artificial sweeteners in Diet Soda can lead to a variety of health problems including metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, and depression. If you are looking for a healthier option, consider drinking water, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk instead. Your body will thank you for making the right decision.